My Notebook
I am a Flight Software Engineer at Planet Labs and a current Master’s student at the University of Colorado Boulder studying Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in Computer Engineering and Power Electronics. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Northern Arizona University in 2023.
I have interest, experience, coursework, and open-source contributions in various areas such as low-voltage electronics, embedded & distributed systems, MCUs, circuit design, wireless sensor networks, network simulation & containerization, FPGA design, compilers & code generation, computational mathematics, as well as high performance & scientific computing.
Some projects…
openGPMP - Open source, general purpose, multithreaded capable mathematics package written in C++, C, Fortran, and Assembly covering topics such as linear algebra, machine learning, number theory and more to serve as a house of optimized mathematical based algorithms.
dist-fs - A sort distributed file system/file system replacing my need for dropbox
benchmarks - Using C++ and CUDA, benchmarked performance of NAU IoT & DiscoverCCRI’s NVIDIA Jetson Nanos and Raspberry Pi Compute Module IO Boards. Implemented primality test & generation, matrix arithmetic, Fibonacci sequence calculations, Monte Carlo methods, and Fast Fourier Transform methods.
i2cscan - A simple I2C utility scanning for available I2C busses and addresses similar to i2cdetect from linux’s i2c-tools.