Here is a list of all data types members with links to the data types they belong to:
- b -
- b
: gpmp::nt::RC5
, RC6
- b0Estimation()
: gpmp::ml::Stats
- b1Estimation()
: gpmp::ml::Stats
- back_prop_err()
: gpmp::ml::PrimaryMLP
- Ball()
: Ball
- batch_normalization()
: gpmp::ml::Regularize
- BayesBernoulli()
: gpmp::ml::BayesBernoulli
- BayesClf()
: gpmp::ml::BayesClf
- BayesGauss()
: gpmp::ml::BayesGauss
- BayesMultiNom()
: gpmp::ml::BayesMultiNom
- bell_num()
: gpmp::Comb
- bellman_ford()
: gpmp::Graph
- berlekamp()
: gpmp::Squares
- bernoulli()
: gpmp::stats::CDF
, gpmp::stats::PDF
, Quantile
- best_fit()
: gpmp::ml::LinearRegression
- best_matching_unit()
: gpmp::ml::KohonenNet
- beta()
: gpmp::stats::CDF
, gpmp::stats::PDF
, Quantile
- beta_function()
: gpmp::stats::PDF
- betaContinuedFraction()
: Quantile
- betweenness_centrality()
: gpmp::Graph
- bfgs_optimize()
: gpmp::optim::QuasiNewton
- bfs()
: gpmp::Graph
- bhhh_optimize()
: gpmp::optim::QuasiNewton
- bias
: gpmp::ml::SVC
- bias_vectors
: gpmp::ml::SecondaryMLP< T >
- bidiagonalize()
: gpmp::linalg::SVD
- binary()
: gpmp::EuclideanDivision
, gpmp::GCDS
- binary_step()
: gpmp::ml::Activation
- binom_coeff()
: gpmp::Comb
- binomial()
: gpmp::stats::CDF
, gpmp::stats::PDF
, Quantile
- binomial_coefficient()
: gpmp::stats::PDF
- binomialCoefficient()
: Quantile
- bisection_method()
: gpmp::optim::Func
- BNN()
- bootstrap()
: gpmp::stats::Resampling
- bootstrap_ci()
: gpmp::stats::Resampling
- bootstrap_t()
: gpmp::stats::Resampling
- BSGS()
: gpmp::Logarithms
, pygpmp.nt.nt.Logarithms
- byte_swap()
: gpmp::RC4
, pygpmp.nt.nt.RC4