Open Source Mathematics Package
Modules List
Here is a list of all modules with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NgpmpThe source C++ openGPMP namespace
 CCUDAmtxFeatures CUDA GPU acceleration methods related to matrix operations
 CCLmtxOpenCL GPU Matrix operations wrapper class
 CThreadDispatchA class that provides a function to dispatch a function call to a thread pool and return a future object for obtaining the result
 CMiscA class containing miscellaneous utility functions
 CDGEMMClass for performing matrix multiplication on double type arrays
 CIGEMMClass for performing matrix multiplication on int type arrays
 CSGEMMClass for performing matrix multiplication on float type arrays
 CEigenClass for computing eigenvalues of a matrix
 CLinSysClass for solving linear systems and performing matrix operations
 CMtxMtx class offers matrix arithmetic operations. Some methods are element-wise while others make use of grouping and unrolling
 CMatrixMatrix and Scalar operations
 CmtxMatrix struct
 CTensorRepresents a 3D tensor with basic operations
 NmlNamespace for openGPMP Machine Learning
 CActivationActivation Methods
 CBayesClfBayes Classifier Class based on assumptions of independence
 CAutoEncoderA simple implementation of a vanilla autoencoder
 CSparseAutoEncoderSparseAutoEncoder class, a derived class from AutoEncoder
 CDenoisingAutoEncoderDenoisingAutoEncoder class, a derived class from AutoEncoder
 CContractiveAutoEncoderContractiveAutoEncoder class, a derived class from AutoEncoder
 CMDLAutoEncoderMDLAutoEncoder Minimal Description Length class, a derived class from AutoEncoder
 CConcreteAutoEncoderConcreteAutoEncoder class, a derived class from AutoEncoder
 CVariationalAutoEncoderVariationalAutoEncoder class, a derived class from AutoEncoder
 CRecurrentAutoEncoderRecurrentAutoEncoder class, a derived class from AutoEncoder
 CFullAutoEncoderFullAutoEncoder class, a derived class from AutoEncoder
 CKfoldRepresents a k-fold cross-validation utility
 CKNNRepresents a K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classifier
 CKohonenNetKohonen Neural Network Cluster Class
 CLogRegRepresents a Logistic Regression classifier
 CPrimaryMLPPrimary Multi-Layer Perceptron Class
 CSecondaryMLPSecondary Multi-Layer Perceptron Class making use of the Linear Algebra module
 CSVCSupport Vector Classifier (SVC) for binary classification using Stochastic Gradient Descent
 CTrainersTraining Algorithms
 CRC5RC5 encryption and decryption class
 CRedPikeClass for encryption and decryption using the RedPike algorithm
 CFuncA class containing various utility functions and optimization methods
 CQuasiNewtonClass implementing Quasi-Newton optimization methods
 CCDFClass providing methods for computing cumulative distribution functions (CDFs)
 CDescribeA class providing methods for descriptive statistics
 CHypothesisTestA class for conducting various statistical hypothesis tests
 CPDFClass representing Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs)
 CResamplingA class providing various resampling methods for statistical analysis
 CArithArithmetic Basics
 CBasicsArithmetic Operations
 CTermRepresents a term in a polynomial
 CDifferentialCalculus Class with methods pertaining to basic operations
 CCombA class providing various combinatorial functions and algorithms
 NpygpmpPython API for openGPMP